Displacement is the quantity of water displaced by the submerged volume of a vessel and is equivalent to weight of boat. According to the Archimedes principle it represents the weight of water displaced (Archimedes principle says that a solid object submerged in a static fluid, will be pushed with a force equal to the weight of the volume of liquid displaced by the solid object).

From the desktop of

Edgar Reyes

Archimedes principle example

For nautical environment there are different kinds of displacements depending of working conditions of vessel:

·         Displacement without load.- Weight of ship plus all items used to navigate (fuel, drinkable water, supplies and implements) without load.

·        Displacement fully loaded.- Weight of displacement without load plus load transported.

Between displacement without load and fully loaded there are infinite values of displacement that are changing while ship is submerging by load, at the same time other values like waterline length, beam and draft change too. All this information is delivered by shipyard and is called hydrostatic curves this graphics show any displacement condition between both extremes. This information is used to know maximum load that is possible transport and design a propellers adapted to working conditions of the boat.

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